
Couple e-mails ago, you referred to the TIS-1610 that used to be at the 
junction of US-70 and US-17 in New Bern, NC.

You mentioned the callsign for that one, but I can't find it.

Please resend.

I completely revamped my 105/285º 65-foot Marconi into a 85-foot (total) 
EWE antenna. I've been experimenting
with terminations.

This thing is hot! And the directivity changes with a ground on the far 
end, no termination, 470-ohm termination,
and a 200-pF termination. I'm going to try an inductive termination tomorrow.

I heard the Rocky Mount 1610 TIS on it, whereas only the most weak carrier 
was audible on it before. Now I
observe at least 3 carriers.

I put up a 45/225º 65-foot Marconi couple weeks ago, and then extended it 
200 feet into the woods.

I listened on 1610 with the 265-footer, and also heard the Rocky Mount TIS, 
but it was over-ridden by a dead
carrier and another carrier in there.

I wonder if the New Bern 1610 TIS is on with dead carrier. The 265-footer 
(unterminated) favors the northeast
and southwest.


Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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