So far I've been unable to confirm with Duke to see if the QRSS ran at all. 
The sound file used to generate the tones was quite large (over 5 meg) and 
though I did receive a receipt that Duke was able to receive the file, his 
ISP may block large sound files.

It was literally a last minute addition to the test, and quite likely did 
not come off at all.

I also agree that it will be nice to have exact times for the QRSS portion 
of the test. But can't guarantee that it will be possible for some tests. 
Even the upcoming KXTO test, for present, I do not know the 
exact times that the QRSS portions of the test.

My plan is to run a dedicated receiver (I have two) to the QRSS effort, and 
just let Argo run. I've set up the computer to do "screen grabs" and save 
them as .JPEG files. Then they can be reviewed each morning during low power 
test period. This is old hat to those of us who chase NDB's and/or do LF 

I suspect that short notice tests will continue to be more and more the 
norm. Details about specific content and timing will continue to be 
difficult to provide, though not for lack of trying. That is why "real time" 
tools such as the Starchat #MWDX will be important.  A local DXer (local to 
the test) can easily alert everyone
when QRSS tones start...and then everyone can switch over their settings.

Is there anyone local to the KXTO test?


Les Rayburn, N1LF
NRC/IRCA Broadcast Test Coordinator

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" 
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] WNJC-1360

> Nick et al,
> I recorded about 15 minutes of close to three of their loops and there was
> no dead air. There was continuous sound effects, voice IDs and regular 
> speed
> CW IDs (sounded like about 1 KHz tone), which leads me to believe that 
> they
> did not intersperse any slow code.
> But my point was: If I were going to test traditional modulation with
> something exotic like slow code (true QRSS or otherwise), then I would not
> bury it within the regular data, but segment it in some way so that the
> recipient would know to alter his receiving technique.
> Chris
> Cape Cod
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Nick Hall-Patch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America"
> <>
> Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 11:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] WNJC-1360
>> At 12:08 10/06/2007, you wrote:
>>>. I am a rank novice at Spectran but, if only a
>>>portion of a five minute loop containing voice and other sound effects,
>>>example, contained this slow code at a different offset, how would you
>>>when to change from regular reception to Spectran QRSS?
>> If you recorded this, Chris, I believe that you can play it back on
>> Spectran, and play with the settings then.
>> Did anybody hear (see) the QRSS, i.e. was it broadcast?    Also, does
>> anybody know what pitch the regular code ID's used?    Running
>> Patrick Martin's recording back through a narrow audio filter might
>> help winkle out the code, if one knew what peak frequency one needed
>> on the filter.
>> best wishes,
>> Nick
>> ****************************************************************************
>> Nick Hall-Patch
>> Victoria, B.C.
>> Canada
>> ****************************************************************************
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