At 11:33 PM 7/16/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>Great going Charlie. I like QSLing the TIS/HAR stations. As most are
>good QSLers.


The Universe is cruel! I bust my bumpkins to get a verie from some
station and don't get no reply. Then I DON'T report to a station
(in the normal way) and get a QSL!

Go figure!!

In this case Dave Jordan WA3GIN signed the certificate, and it
was on thick certificate paper and very well done.

In fact, I merely reported reception to the address on their
Arlington (City of) website along with an mp3 file. Got two replies,
one from a gal name I forget and Mr. Jordan.

Replied straightaway to Jordan mentioning that I was a retired
VOA transmitter tech. Well he knew John Z..... who quit VOA
to be a consultant. Did I know him? Yes I did. Blah, blah,

Couple e-mail exchanges, and I forgot it.

Then I (for courtesy's sake) wrote and thanked the gal.

I sent a JPG "coupon" which, if presented to her supervisor,
would get her an extra two weeks paid leave. Of course,
it's a joke. But it's fun for me and fun for the recipient.

I usually do that to friendly people with whom I exchange e-mail
with over business and/or other routine correspondence.

Seems to me that I would have gotten a verie if I had requested
one, but I told WA3GIN that I quit collecting veries back in
1978 as returns were poor and oftimes the office personnel
either couldn't make heads nor tales of a cassette tape with
all the whistles, hiss and static, or had no idea what I
wanted. But Dave sent one anyway.

Which goes to show there are some pretty decent people on

Still, I admire YOUR dogged efforts to get a QSL. Ernie
Cooper (who, coincidentally sold me my current R-390A)
was like that, too.

Buncha Threes atcha!

Jolly Cholly

   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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