At 08:02 AM 7/31/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>What, the government don't issue callsigns to CB'ers no mo? Horrors!


What do YOU know about anything, hi. WELL, what would Chickenman do
in a case like this? I'd fly off in to the woods for embarrassment.

I guess the Friendly Cilocycle Cops still do issue licenses to CBers.
I'd heard that they threw up their hands and more-or-less got out
of licensing CB and just let folks by and use whatever they chose
and use any IDs that fickled their tancy!

Once again I've proven I STILL don't know a few (?) things.

Used to play with little 100 mW CB walky-talkies. Used the
callsign KQV1420 and KWK1380. Yuk, yuk.

73 de KYW1060

   Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
  Greenville, North Carolina 

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