
Changing the box is the easiest thing to do.. The coax is under the
house and 12 feet of it buried. I can easily build a new box and crimp a
new coax fitting on the end of the coax. The plastic boxes are just a
lot easier to get and use. No drilling of holes, etc. The last time I
tried to find a small metal box at Radio Shack, they never had any. They
had one like 5 inches by 5 inches as I remember. So living in a rural
area we have little choice. I have to go into the Portland area to get
to a Home Depot. No biggie, but a roundtrip of 160 miles or so. We will
be getting a Home Depot out here 3.5 miles away within a year though.
That will help. 
   I fiqure I am going to need the metal box anyway, so why not start
there. It will be interesting to note, if the s meter readings go down
by attaching the cap on the end of the coax anyway. The choke idea
sounds a bit involved, so I would do that as a last resort. The metal
box first, then the coax,  To test the coax with the cap to terminate
it, what kind of s meter readings would be exceptable?  Anything? We
have no powerhouse stations.  We have three 1 KW locals in the county.
(KAST-1370-5.9 miles), KKEE-1230-7.1 miles) and KSWB-840-8.9 miles).
After I cap the coax, if I am still getting CBU at S9, I do have an
issue. hi.   



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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