At 05:03 PM 8/28/2007 -0400, you wrote:

>1020 is in Las Tunas in the province of Las Tunas in the eastern third of 
>the country.
>Several years ago 1010 changed frequency to 1020 as a result of 1020 doing 
>a relay test for
>Radio Marti.
>Jerry Kiefer


Thank you. At least it is on the official RR listing, but still listed as 
1010. WRTH-07
is no help, but probably will never be until someone takes a positive 
interest in up-
dating the Cuba data.

That isn't me because I have too many miles between me and Cuba to observe 
what is actually going on MW there.

Few of you know that I essentially supplied all the Philippine data for 
WRTH back in the
70s, but then I actually resided in the Philippines for some years. 

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