On 31-Aug-07, at 5:35 AM, Tom L Jones wrote:

> Marty
>           Maybee I am wrong on the SR-2 & it uses varactor tuning.   
> If I
> get time today I will open mine & find out. Tuning caps can rub but it
> is rare............

The Superadio (original) and the Superradio 2 both use a variable
cap for tuning (I own and have aligned both). It was the Superadio 3
that used the varactor tuning.

Yes, I had a problem with the variable cap in the SR2 rubbing and
making noise when tuning, this is due to a bad electrical contact
between the cap rotor and ground. In my case contact cleaner
(Deoxit) on the rotor contacts at the ends of the cap
cured the problem but be careful as some variable caps
have plastic dielectric between the vanes which may dissolve
in some contact cleaners...


Deane McIntyre VE6BPO
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