Paul said: Allan Weiner going back to the dark side and doing pirate
again? And risk his broadcast licenses?
It's totally amazing that he was even allowed to go legit after all of
his high profile pirate activities. I have no doubt that the FCC only
allowed it so that he would stop bothering them as a pirate. Previous
pirate activities are normally grounds to deny a license. That rule of
thumb was in place to deter anyone who might have thoughts of eventually
applying for a license from going the pirate route in the interim. 

Just to rub it in Allan did have a weekly program called Radio Newyork
International on his licensed shortwave station. And even more ironic I
recall that he got his shortwave station licensed to operate on or near
a very popular pirate radio frequency somewhere in the 7 MHz band. So
technically he was still running pirate radio with much higher power and
an FCC license! He also openly invited former pirate operators to host
programs on his SW station. Is the SW station still around?

Patrick Griffith, CBT CBNT CRO
Westminster CO

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