At 01:59 PM 9/12/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>      Thanks for the link to the listing for the 40  acres near the ocean at
>Queets, WA, for $119,500.  It sounds like a  real bargain, but as a real 
>broker, I can assure you that there is a  hidden story here.
>      If 1,512 people have viewed the listing and  there are no takers yet,
>you can safely assume that the property has a serious  issue.  My own 
>guess is
>that the Tribal Government has placed severe  restrictions on development of
>the parcel, possibly even forbidding  it.  Also, with property taxes of $63 a
>year, I would be curious about what  services, if any, the Quinault Nation
>provides for my $63 ( fire,  police, roads, etc.)

I'm only 5% Cherokee, but maybe I can wrest control of the several-acre woods
directly to the north of our property. Declare it Cherokee Reservation. No
body can develop it. Then I'll never have to worry about the present owners,
C&J Holdings, from developing it.

It's been in probate for nonpayment of taxes since we moved here, so C&J can't
do anything with it other than grow marijuana.

If I have any priorities, one of the main priorities is sufficient acreage
to put up a modest EWE or corner-fed loop and without significant RFI, That's
what I have now. Lucky me.

>      After meeting Patrick last month, I have been  watching the listings of
>acreage near the ocean, and have discovered that  there are indeed some
>bargains to be found, especially when we  are accustomed to $500,000 
>houses in Puget
>Sound... but then again, life is  always a series of compromises, and it
>would be tough to move a family to the  beach, simply because of a desire 
>to DX
>(as I'm sure you know!).
>  73,  Gary

And 73 de Charles 

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