Brett -
 Trades and blogs concur. Seems most have in fact purchased iPods. Bridge 
Ratings reports the more consumers learn about HD, the more they reject it.
Now the HD gang, in typical sly manner, floats the notion that kids don't 
listen to radio, radio is for old people. What's their point? That AM and FM 
should be 'privatized', and the spectrum sold off chicoms?
Was young once. Many of us were. Loved radio then, still do. Regardless, from 
late teens to early twenties, listened more to tapes, albums, and live music 
than radio. Then increased listening late twenties - early thirties.
Surveys would probably indicate this is typical. Kids tend not to remain kids 
forever. They grow up and listen to radio, like the rest us. Who is the HD 
Cotillion kidding?
As one poster elegantly riposted an HD shill-parrot, 'you post to mislead'.
Can they not be straight about anything? Why does the HD gang have this 
reflexive animadversion to the truth?

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