At 08:47 PM 9/24/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>That is exactly what the Germans did and you know what Hitler did a few
>years later.
>End of rant.
>Patrick Martin


I was thinking about exactly what I would do if I were running a 1-kW full-
timer station on the first adjacent of one of these hiss-mongers.
I know very well if I applied to the FCC for a power increase to override
the hiss, I would fully expect the FCC to turn my application down.

So, my first recourse would be to calculate what power increase I needed
to bring my coverage back to what it was before the hiss-monger screwed
up my night-time operations.

That could well entail me buying a 5-kW transmitter and increasing my
power in steps after sunset. FCC go do Hades.

Of course, that would raise my QRM to other co-channelers; but they would
be fighting the rise in QRM from the hiss-monger, too. So I 'spect they
would do the same.

Either that or just throw up my hands and go daytime only.

I foresee a bunch of stations taking option A and increasing power in a
bid to get their coverage back.

The FCC gave no thought at all to the increase of QRM to first adjacent

There IS a third option, and that a class-action suit against the hiss-
mongers. It would have to be outside the NAB because I think they are
on the bandwagon for IBOC. But that would take years to resolve.

It could get interesting.

73 de Charles

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