"I begged you and all the people on the IRCA list as well as the NRC
list to write the FCC with comments on 99-325 and most of you didn't
do jack spit but tell me to be quiet for the most part. I find it
quite humorous to see you all try to fight an almost done deal. You
should have made comments when I was begging you all to."

If writing letters, "public comment",  would have made a difference, the FCC
wouldn't have approved BPL just a few years ago.  Radio amateurs and the
ARRL mounted an intensive campaign against BPL and urged FCC rejection.
Comment after comment was sent by snail and email to the FCC against it.
The ARRL conducted testing and monitoring which refuted
BPL's non-interference claim.  European and Japanese experience with BPL
should have been enough to prevent the implementation.  Government agencies
dependent upon emergency HF communication voiced concern regarding FCC
approval of BPL. It didn't make "jack spit" difference.  If all IRCA and NRC
had written letters it would  have been a fraction of the letter writing
done to the FCC on the BPL issue.  The FCC invitation to comment on an issue
is like the old western criminal trial when the judge announced to the
spectators that the defendant would receive a fair trail before he was

Complaints from all angles now won't hurt and may even be more effective now
than before, especially if commercial interests, affected stations, have
73 Gil NN4CW
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