Quick scan from 1340 to 1354 UTC -- significant spike around 1352UTC.

Good audio on 747, 774, 828 Japan - 972 Korea at very good levels
Fair audio on 567(Japanese), 585, 594(Japanese), 
Poor audio in hash and splatter - 612, 756, 963, 1134, 1287(JJ)
Solid carrier - threshold audio 639, 648, 675, 846, 855, 873

Somewhat more splash and IBOC trash this AM.

Drake R8 -
Wellbrook ALA00 and ALA100M
Misek / Lankford Phaser 
Colin Newell - Editor/Creator coffeecrew.com | dxer.ca
Web-Design / E-Commerce / Writing
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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