A few days ago I sent to another list an experience I had 
over a period of four months with a local station that had 
the IBOC causing interference about a hundred kHz above and 
below the fundamental frequency.  The software in a piece of 
equipment was locking up and causing the problem.  Could be 
something similar happening to KHHO.

I didn't sent the message to this list because this list 
seems to be more DX oriented.

By the way, immages aren't caused by a radio transmitter, 
they are caused by the radio.


** Patrick Martin Wrote: **
>This has been one of my big concerns with IBOC. A station 
>getting out of wack and being a real issue, much worse than 
>just being IBOC. In analog we have stations causing images, 
>off channel stations, etc. Can IBOC be any different?

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