I left the SDR-IQ on as I got ready for work this morning and recorded 

Noted between 1340 and 1410
621 het & audio in KCIS-630 splatter, probably China
640 KYUK, NPR news, local anmt w/mentions of Alaska 1359, het on 639
648  Russia good-nil in 650 splatter, listed as VOA Korean service
657 Pyongyang sometimes quite good
675   Male oriental talk fair-nil, presumed Vietnam
693   JOAB quite good at times
702   bits of audio, probably NHK
729 het
738  Unid oriental
747   JOIB good w/EE lessons
750  KFQD killing KXL w/weather 1345, but KXL dominant at 1400
774  JOIB good //747/693
780  KNOM, first time heard at home, though heard many times on the 
coast.  News mixing w/KKOH 1358, weak ID & ABC news 1400, then faded up 
to good level w/long regional weather report 1403-1408.
783  Carrier weak
792  Carrier weak


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