> The center is certainly a Collins 51S-1 receiver.  Below it appears to
be the companion SSB adaptor for a Hammarlund SP-600.  The nomenclature
escapes me just now.
> r/
> Chuck Rippel

> ---- Bill Harms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone recognize the gear in this rack?
> >
> > http://tinyurl.com/yr7od9
> >

It is not a HC-10. I used to own a HC-10 which was in a
square, cubed actually cabinet, matching the HQ-180
knob layout. Maybe 10 x 10 x 10 inches per side. The
HC-10 had a lot more knobs. It was actually the rear end
of a HQ-180 complete with 60 kHz IF, and a 455 kHz input jack.

The SPC-10 was the rack mount version of the HC-10 and
had a similar looking S-meter, as well. This is not a SPC-10.
It would fill a 19 inch rack slot without needing support plates.

I still have manuals for both devices, which are possibly
more collector's-item than the actual hardware... and the
SPC-10 is a rare duck indeed.

This device shown is not directly rack mountable, has way too
few knobs to be either a HC-10 or a SPC-10, and the lower
two knobs have round level marker plates, which I never
saw on a Hammarlund product of that era (1962-ish),
though the SP-600 had such. Maybe a "home" upgrade
on those 2 lower knobs, for visual effect.

My guess is that it IS a sideband adapter. If it had a
nomenclature plate, I'd guess Technical Materiel Corp.
though they DID have a tunable adapter for the GPR-90,
I think it was the GSB-1 .... this is definitely NOT that.

It could even be homebuilt- a one-off. That's my best guess.
The panel work is definitely within the ability of a lot
of "home"  workshops.

Truth be told, I don't know. The CEI is the rack
mount device above the Collins, as stated. The four
large knobs on the left edge of the photo look like part
of a RCA broadcast transmitter, actually, but that does
not make a lot of sense to have a RX next to an Xmtr
like this.

- Bob


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