Paul Crankshaw wrote:
> I've listened live and listened again to my recording and I have given 
> my ears a good wash.
> The slogan on the recording is "Lite 104.3, Kingston's Light Rock"

Just a quick note on this topic, now that it's been fully answered 
anyway <ggg>...

Someone in the thread mentioned having looked at the FCC database for a 
possible call change. I'm compelled to point out that the FCC database 
is probably the single WORST possible source for correct Canadian 
callsign information.

Here's the deal: the only reason the FCC lists Canadian information in 
its database at all is to inform US broadcasters of the required 
protections to signals that have been notified to the US by Canadian 
authorities. It makes absolutely no difference whether those signals are 
actually on the air with the facilities stated in the database (as 
witness all the long-dead Canadian AMs that continue to be listed) - and 
it makes even less difference whether they're listed with the correct 
calls. (The last time I bothered looking, CKOC 1150 in Hamilton was 
still listed with the temporary calls - CKMO, I think it was - that they 
used very briefly way back in about 1992!)

The most accurate sources of Canadian information right now are Industry 
Canada's own BASERAD database (which isn't directly searchable on-line, 
but must be downloaded and unzipped), Barry McLarnon's list, and the NRC 
log. is pretty accurate for what it lists, but it's not 
a complete list.

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