>> HAM radio is much different. QSLing is a
>> huge part of that hobby.
> I agree with everything that Les has said on this
> subject. And as a clarification of what Patrick said,
> it is true that QSLing is a big part of the amateur
> radio hobby as ARRL awards are based on QSLs.
Getting my two cents in on Joe's comments. Last week I received a QSL from 
YL2EC. This came through the burue. I worked YL2EC on 4 August 1992. It took 
about 16 years to get the card.
But did get the card, and only because the person at the W5 QSL bureau caed 
enough to look up my new call letters and address and then forward the card 
on to me.

You don't find that type of caring among with AM stations or fellow AM 
Case in point: Paul where is that stamped envelop you said you would send 
for those bumper stickers???? It's now been two weeks and I promised it 
today to Phil Bytheway.

> Unfortunately, many operators do not care at all about
> this aspect of the hobby anymore. The overall return
> rate on the ARRL's Logbook of the World (electronic)
> QSLing program is somewhere around 7%. With eQSL, it
> is more like 5%. I probably have a higher percentage
> with paper QSLs, only because I send mine to those
> operators who state that they QSL 100%, and if the
> state is not needed, I probably won't send my request
> in the first place.
One reason may be the cost of printing and mailing the cards. What cost me 
around 25.00 in 1973, now cost 125.00. My SSI check will not go that far. I 
know it have slowed me down. As for eQSL cards I never think of doing it. I 
find that many person here in the area don't think about it. It had to get 
the members of the ham club just read any bulletins on our club web site. 
Mailing a newsletter to all members is to costly.

Have noticed that the vast majoity of BCB stations have personel who have 
never heard of QSLs, or do they know how to respond to a reception report. 
And I will add that the big stations don't care.


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