Hello All,
     Like Colin, I almost received new-TP audio on the  SRF-59 this morning.  
During the storm (and finding it tough to sleep), I  checked the band around 
0930 UTC, and found very nice audio from HLAZ-1566,  obviously peaking at its 
local sunset.  These peaks usually drop  out without warning, so I urgently 
grabbed the SRF-59, and did everything  possible to coax some audio out of a 
strong HET on the  frequency.  Unfortunately, HLAZ starting diving when I 
trying...  and yet again the lesson was learned: There is no such thing as a 
"routine  TP" on these pocket radios.
     Anyway, I'm glad that Patrick is safe, and the  storm seems relatively 
mild here-- just some minor flooding in the back  yard.
             73,  Gary  (in Puyallup,  WA)     

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