At 17:28 06/01/2008, you wrote:
>I find it interesting that this is 15 year old technology.

....and that it's taken us so long to discover it....has Sony been 
putting out radios using this chip all these years?  It seems to be a 
Sony proprietary product, and the IEEE article is quite clear that it 
was developed for use in miniature radios such as  would be used in 
Walkmans, because it avoids the use of physically large IF filters 
and other peripheral components.   No mention of MW DXing, hi.  And 
yet the SRF-37V is physically not much bulkier than the SRF-59, and 
uses an "old" technology receiver IC, so the "new" IC can't have 
offered much of an advantage, except to MW DXers, and people who 
appreciate creative technology.

>I wonder what's in the works now?

perhaps nothing at all?  Don't know if Sony or anyone else sees any 
future payback in investing in MW or shortwave radio reception,  but 
I'm not in the business....

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.


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