Couple things...

I'm thrilled this test made it to the west coast and overseas.

I'm thrilled many of you heard it on a SRF59 or other ULR.

CFFX was on DAYTIME pattern, not nighttime. But I still think there is (was, 
now) a null.

The first thing I heard at 0600 was an anct, very brief, that it was going 
off. Then went off and first in was a US anthem. It faded and then heard a 
Thunder Country ID. That's WHAK MI. I have heard them s-on with anthem in 
the past t 6 am, so not sure if that's who did it, or the Iowa station - 
have heard both here. WFIR and WELI in the mix, but I caught some sleep 
after. Now will see what post-SRS does...and will be in form for SSS and 
tomorrow's SRS before heading to Toronto.

Someone will respond to your official reports. I will also respond to all 
e-mails. Just give me time. I am dawg-tired this morning and have work to do 
and sleep to catch up on.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:50 AM
Subject: [NRC-AM] CFFX Sign-off?

> After successfully hearing CFFX's first DX Test  programming spot at 0000
> EST, I called it a night, foregoing the final two.  However, I set the 
> alarm to
> try to hear a final sign-off announcement from the  station, scheduled to 
> go
> off air for good at 0600 EST. I was at the radio by  0552, but had no 
> luck-- the
> frequency was dominated by WSBT. I am not sure if  they had signed off
> earlier or if propagation conditions just did not favor  hearing the 
> station. One
> intriguing little bit of monitoring-- I did hear the US  National Anthem 
> below
> WSBT shortly before 0600, but it was too weak to hear any  sign-on 
> announcement
> after it. Probably KMA, which as far as I know still signs  on and off, 
> still
> using the NA.
> 73     Bill  Dvorak     Madison WI
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
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