At 12:30 AM 1/18/2008 -0500, you wrote:

>At 2320 CDT 1/17 am hearing WJHX "La Doble X" 620 Lexington AL  completely
>dominating the frequency in WTMJ null with SS music. They are doing  quite 
>for nominal 99 watt night power (daytime power is 5 kw).
>73     Bill Dvorak     Madison  WI

Bill........I think I may have had this one as well on my SONY 
SRF-59....but unfortunately......I was unable to get an ID to confirm it. I 
had it in/out from about 0040 to 0115 EST  with Lively Spanish 
Vocals.....sounded very MEXICAN Flavoured as opposed to what we hear from 
Cuba or South America. Spanish Talk between songs. Man spoke Spanish with 
what I'm sure was the Station ID at 0100 EST....but the Voice Audio was not 
as good as the Music Audio....and I was unable to pull any kind of ID from 
the Male DJ @ 0100...DRAT!!! I would bet a Nickel this was them.....but 
with NO ID.....or other Identifyable will have to remain a 
"Probably....but no Cigar!!"

Would have been a great one to add to the SRF-59 Logbook......Maybe it'll 
be back in again tonite???

Thanks for the tip Bill...see if you can order it back up for me 
tonight....with a Big Fat ID on the Hour!!!


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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  • [IRCA] WJHX 620 AL DXERak
    • Re: [IRCA] WJHX 620 AL.....May have had them here too....... Robert Ross

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