Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

JAN 31 2330-2400 EST    

567    RTE
585    Talk under strong IBOC hiss, Spain probably
864    music, poor
909    BBC talk
945    French talk
1026    weak audio
1116    Spain, probably with weak talk
1206    France with talk, very strong
1215    UK - very good with music
1296    brief bits of Spanish, probably COPE, would be new 
1314    het, Spain?
1341    music, poor
1359    Spain // DXTuners, new
1377    France with talk 
1395    weak het
1422    talk, probably Germany.  On DXT Algeria with weak singing under Germany
1494    weak talk
1503    possible middle eastern music, too brief to be sure
1512    Belgium - very good
1548    weak talk

Best night in a long time.  On many of these channels I've never heard anything 
before.  Seems to be dying off now.  
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