Another new one (overall log) and I think that I am closing in on #100
in my ULR logbook, with maybe just THREE HOURS total DX time!  Please
note that I consider my two Sony Cassette walkman (Walkmen? Walkpeople?)
to be ULR's for this excercise.  This is my first station from
Saskatchewan added to the ULR log, though I'm sure that I had CBK this
morning too.  

The ULR's all make for fine skip receivers but I'm not as happy with
daytime performance.  At "high noon" I usually can get WSM-650 at good
levels on my Ford Windstar's factory radio but no or little audio from
the ULR's.  This is at 266 miles.  I know that I can not put my van in
my shirt pocket but I'm wondering how a simuilar Windstar radio would do
with a stable, low noise power supply and a loop antenna?  Are the Ford
radios "theft protected" like the GM radios, where they can not be used
outside of the vehicle?

CKRM 620 SK Regina 2-25 0505 F w/weather and ID.  Another NEW! ULR log.

Sony WM-FX421 cassette Walkman ULR

Dave Hascall
Indianapolis, IN

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