
I question your statement. I do not think the buyers of KMO and KOL voluntarily relinquished those calls in favor of KKMO and KKOL. Also, you may remember that it took some sort of special plea for the owners of KKHJ to get the calls KHJ back. Would you compare these instances with your statement about WIL possibilities? Thanks.

Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 + Kiwa air core loop
ICF2010 + "     "    "      "
DX398; Palomar loop
SRF-59 & SRF M37V
 Scott Fybush wrote:

It's not really as big a loss as it might seem - the WIL calls only came back to the AM a couple of years ago, and if Bonneville (or whoever owns WIL-FM in the future) were ever to reacquire 1430, they could put the WIL calls right back there with no difficulty.
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