Wow! These conditions have me lamenting the lack of a dawn bowling league on Orcas Island... and I don't even bowl. Lots of very weak hets, 1s and 2s out of 10, mostly in the mid and upper band, all DU and mostly New Zealand. I suspect that, had we been at Grayland, we'd be talking about one of those too rare "Great New Zealand Mornings." The only bright spot was 963 about ten minutes before local dawn... had quiet ballad in EE by fem, very like what NZ's Southern Star Network plays and their 10 kW Christchurch outlet is the most likely culprit.

Here is the "log"  They are all 2s unless noted.

963 AUDIO at 7s
1503 (very persistent)
1512 (very persistent)
1638 peaked at 4

I've got both (former) Giant EWEs running now.; I set them both up as Conti Super Loops this year since my grounds here are still rather iffy, after a couple of seasons of hard work and $$$. Oh, the joys of living on bedrock. Good rejection and separation between the two antennas in the Conti configuration.. I think that I'll wait until early August to put the Wellbrook Array out. No further testing is necessary from here and the only direction that I can deploy it here on the mountainside is to the NW for East Asia.... obviously wasted right now.

I do hope to get to Grayland soon, primarily to try for DUs with Ultralights. The Wellbrooks will darn sure make that trip.

Gee, its nice to be back in TP land. How did you guys screw up the conditions so badly while I was gone???

John B.
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Rcvrs: WiNRADiO 313e, Eton e1, Ultralights
Antennas: Two Giant Conti Loops, West and Northwest

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