At 06:32 AM 8/4/2008, you wrote:
>Veerrrrry Pedestrian morning and, essentially, a repeat of yesterday with the 
>volume turned down a notch.
>DXed from 1220 to 1255
>All the usual suspects were there at their normal times. The JJ Big Gun trio 
>(747//774//828) were there at almost equal-level 7s and 972 South Korea showed 
>an anemic 6. The most interesting seemed to be 855 which never got above a 6+. 
> Both 4QB Pialba and R Rhema in Hamilton are heard here.  I think that this 
>was Pialba, based on being mostly talk... tho' there was some music.  Another 
>bright spot was 792 4RN Brisbane which popped up very briefly to a 7+ at 1245. 
> It was fun to hear the Akita JJ alone at 1220 on 774  and 30 minutes later 
>listen to Melbourne by itself on the same frequency.
>Otherwise, I gotta admit that I was bored.  Every time I admit that, the 
>conditions go completely to pot for a week, so watch out :>)
>John B. 

Pretty much the same here, John.  My 855 rated a 5 only......Walt.

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