Listened from 1220 to 1255UT, mostly Asian, as John noted, but we've obviously 
got into the time of year that separates the good listening sites from the rest 
of us.   It was a good morning, especially for this time of year, and at this 
location, but compare the results with what made it to Orcas...

pretty darn good audio (at least briefly): 
774 made it this big at 1234UT

reasonable audios (though often battling w/splash or noise): 
747 at 1221UT //774 and a couple of other times

not so reasonable audio, occasional words in splash or noise:  
567 DU talk at 1251;
828 JOBB //774 several times
963 , the Chinese this level briefly at 1244
972, likely the Korean, big carrier quite consistently this morning
1287 JJ talk at various times

Burbles in the splatter and noise:
189 //279 at 1231;
279 various times;
639 island mx at 1252;
702 DU direction at 1246;
756 at 1255, also DU;
954 at 1232, likely Japanese;
1134 at 1238 and 1248, could ID language; Japanese?
1332 at 1248, Asiatic bearing, so Japanese?
1566 creeping through a couple of times riding on a big carrier

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):   
(Asian unless noted)   738 (DU), 864,  1053, 1098 (DU), 1475.   

1053 was a mystery....never dug any audio out of it, but certainly a beefy 
carrier at times.

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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