Walt here reporting in from Masset  (kind of funny, but I noted a weak Wi-Fi 
signal from my in-laws in town so I have "borrowed" the connection to check 
e-mails and to report in.  Arrived safe and sound yesterday, to have a brand 
new 7030+ waiting for me!  Now I have the IQ, a Perseus receiver and a 2010, an 
old 535D, and the new 7030+ to use.  Set up my mini-Beverage aimed due north, 
with another 100' or so of wire terminated in the ocean with a 490 or so ohms 
of resistance added, for a total length of about 550'....this one worked 
particularly good last fall for the TAs we heard.   I then set up my best TP 
antenna....the BOG, of about 900'.  Starting at 300 deg....aimed nicely at 
Japan and Asia, it then angles to 270 degrees and follows the sand dunes on the 
ocean shore.  After setting these up, during the early afternoon, it amazes me 
how absolutely quiet they are....absolutely nothing on any of the bands above 6 
MHz......after verifying that indeed, they were working (61!
 60 CKZU) and the few MW stations audible during the day, I remembered how low 
the noise floor actually is up here!  Great!  Little activity with the 
neighbours, so I'm hoping for some really good DX again this season.  We're 
visiting in town tonight, so hopefully I'll have a little bit of time to check 
for TAs tonight....if not, then for Alaskans tonight.  No sign of 1330 yet from 

----- Original Message -----
From: "John H. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008 8:47 pm
Subject: [IRCA] Belated Report of TPs from Orcas Island: Aug 17
To: "irca-hard-core-dx.com" <irca@hard-core-dx.com>

> Guy and his family were here for the weekend and we managed to 
> sneak 
> in a full dawn DX session this AM from 1200 to 1300.  Since 
> then, 
> the've headed back to Seattle and I've gotten packed and loaded 
> for 
> Grayland (dawn ferry tomorrow AM.)  I managed to pack my 
> notes from 
> this morning.  It was another very good Asian morning with 
> DUs 
> showing up for the last ten minutes an in a very attenuated 
> fashion.  We had about 6 or 8 DUs most at 6s and 7s and all 
> but one, 
> ABC on 666, being the usual regulars.
> The Japanese Big Guns were in early, middle and late, with 
> 747,774 
> and 828 each peaking at least a solid 8 and a couple were as 
> loud as 
> I've ever heard them.  For the first time this year, NHK2 
> 873 
> Kumamoto was in with very solid audio... an 8 at the peak. Lst 
> year, 
> about now, I was hearing a few Chinese, though only one out of 3 
> or 4 
> mornings and always the same two or three... 963, 945 and 
> 1017./  This year, they appeared earlier and each morning 
> seems a 
> different mix of Koreans and Chinese.  Its been very 
> interesting so 
> far.  I forget just which ones were in this morning... 
> nothing that 
> we haven't heard before, but an interesting and encouraging mix.
> Tomorrow is travel and setting up antennas, with the first DXing 
> being Tuesday morning.  I'll report in on Tuesday evening 
> from the 
> wi-fi area of the one-room local library.  Hopefully, Walt 
> will have 
> a report up by then, too!
> John B.
> Orcas Island, WA, USA
> Rcvrs: WiNRADiO 313e, Eton e1, Ultralights
> Antennas: Two 70' x 100' Conti Super Loops, West and Northwest
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