Karl's point about noise reduction is well-taken.  For years, I didn't hear
a peep on LW until last winter.  I had used longwires and top loaded
verticals in efforts to hear LW, but all I heard was noise and a few NDB's.
It was not until I listened on my ewe which was aimed 130 degrees from my
location in Savannah Ga that I began to hear LW broadcasters with
London is about 45 degrees from here.  This direction is roughly -6dB down
from the firing direction of 130 degrees of my ewe.  This loss was in
addition to the non-gain characteristic of a ewe antenna compared with
longwires, dipoles and verticals  My ewe put most of the US in the quiet
part of my antenna pattern.  Even though the direction of fire was not
optimal for Europe, the noise floor was so low that the LW rolled in, night
after night.  My ewe is 18'x40'x18'.
73 Gil
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