Hello Guys,
     As John Bryant has mentioned, our 7-page  joint article describing the 
development, construction and performance of the  innovative E100 Slider 
loopstick has just been uploaded on DXer.Ca.
     The Slider loopstick uses a movable coil which  slides along a 7.5" 
Amidon ferrite bar, providing the ability to peak the  loopstick on each DX 
station's own frequency.  This loopstick tuning  function, similar to that of a 
preselector, boosts the E100's wideband  sensitivity up to an astonishing 
far out of proportion to the antenna's  size.  A Slider-modified E100 has this 
outstanding sensitivity on all  frequencies from 520-1710 kHz, without the 
sensitivity drop-off typical of other  digital RF front end designs.  It has 
tested against the RF-2200,  ICF-S5W and other legendary portables, and has 
been found competitive (or  superior) to them all.
     As a very cost-effective modification, the Slider  loopstick can be 
constructed for under $40, and the project  itself should be routine even for 
beginners--  it is simply the  winding of a movable coil on a 7.5" ferrite bar, 
with two simple soldering  connections to replace the mediocre E100 stock 
loopstick.  How does it  perform?  Well, in combination with a Murata IF filter 
modification, a  7.5" Slider loopstick has enabled my tiny E100 to receive 50 
and DU's this  season at Grayland, and at my home in Puyallup, Washington.  I 
have a stock  ICF-2010, and have checked its performance against this Slider 
E100 during  some of these TP receptions--  often finding the stock 2010 with  
only heterodynes, when the modified E100 had solid TP audio.  Even  without 
the IF filter modification, the Slider E100 can typically receive about  80% of 
the TP's audible on the Slider + IF filter E100.  As such, it  truly provides 
a very economic performance boost for any E100 owner  interested in legendary 
weak-signal DX capability.
     John and I both hope that many E100 owners will  take the opportunity to 
build one of these innovative Slider loopsticks,  and discover for themselves 
the amazing DXing performance boost it  provides.
     73,  Gary  DeBock   
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