A very good morning here, certainly the best of the month. Best Chinese morning for quite some time . Nothing new logged, but good to hear a number of stations with decent levels. Highlights included the Russians on 549 and 576 (as well as semi-regular 648), the Russian language service from CRI on 1323 doing the best it's done all season (oddly, the 963 parallel never made audio), and the CNR1 station on 981 in very nicely, also at the best level of the season. The regular Japanese were in, but I also finally had audio on 954 for the first time this season. In total, audio noted on 31 frequencies, so one of the better mornings for the season as a whole, and not just November.
  Perhaps John B will get in one more fine morning before he heads to OK?


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
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