Pete Taylor wrote:
Like others who are doing the same thing, I am in the process of putting all my reel-to-reel- and cassette-stored IDs on CDs. My son recently installed an M-Audio device in line between the Marantz earphone outlet and the computer. I have been experiencing some serious problems with artifacts (I presume this is what you call the blurting sounds, usually consisting of repetitive music phrases). These are overwhelming using Amadeus and while less intense, still prevalent enough using Audacity. The computer crashes when I try to record using Final Vinyl. I don't want this to be a lifetime project so if those who are also doing this would share their successes and problems, it would be appreciated.

Initial thought: you can never, ever, ever, ever have enough RAM in your computer to do smooth audio capture and editing. Memory is dirt-cheap these days. Go out (or have your son go out) and get as much as your computer can handle. You'll get change from a $50 bill, no matter how much you get, and your recordings will be much smoother and your crashes less frequent.

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