Rob and Nick,
     Rob's discussion is downright profound, and should  be read by all ULR 
     Of course, we all have different DXing goals, and  reasons why we enjoy 
using these little radios.  600 ULR stations  received in one year is 
phenomenal from any location, but from the west  coast... well, it's about as 
as receiving WOON-1240 (or  maybe MOON-1240  :>)
     To be honest, Rob has taken the ULR focus  into a direction that I never 
would have considered, since from the beginning,  my own ULR interest has 
been receiving TP's on these tiny wonders-- an  absolutely thrilling 
Catching the tail end of the 2007 fall  season with my humble stock SRF-59, I 
managed to log 3 of them (JOAK-594,  JOIB-747, and HLCA-972), before the band 
went into the winter hibernation period  in December (which we are now 
experiencing again, one year later).
     Greatly missing the TP's (and having some moderate  Navy technical 
experience), a fascinating challenge developed-- no doubt equally  fascinating 
Rob's multiple station challenge--  I wanted to make the ULR  radios 
ultra-competitive for TP reception!  Yes, make them,  ultra-sensitive, 
and ultra-effective for transoceanic DXing...  so that they could outperform 
even the full-sized stock portables like the  ICF-2010 and E1.  This 
goal was probably equally daunting to  Rob's goal of logging many hundreds of 
stations in one year-- and equally  fascinating.
     Along the way, some outstanding technicians like  John Bryant, Guy 
Atkins and Steve Ratzlaff joined in-- as we pursued the common  goal of 
creating an 
Ultralight radio with unprecedented 9 kHz-split DX  capability.  I had a lot 
of "education" along the way--  SRF-39FP  loopstick transplants that boosted 
sensitivity but degraded selectivity, vintage  ferrite loopsticks that needed 
to be retired, etc.  But eventually,  working together, we found the perfect 
way to combine extreme sensitivity  with extreme selectivity in a modified 
Ultralight (with extreme nulling ability  as a bonus).  The Slider loopstick 
(with the Murata CFJ455K5 IF  filter) are now astonishing ever DXer who tries 
one out-- and like Rob, I  can truthfully say that this year has provided 
great Ultralight radio  thrills for me, for John Bryant, and many other TP 
     We all have differing reasons for enjoying these  tiny wonders, but like 
Rob eloquently wrote, we all have one great thing in  common-- FUN!  It's a 
total blast to hold a tiny modified E100 in your  hand, and receive 5AN-891 in 
Adelaide, Australia (8,230 miles from  Grayland).  It's equally fun for Allen 
Willie to log new European, African  and Asian countries on his stock 
SRF-M37V, or John Bryant to log multiple  Aussies and Kiwis with his E100, 
assisted by 
a Wellbrook  array. Even stock SRF-59 DXing is alive and well, despite the 
fact  that lazier DXers (like yours truly) have bailed out :>)
     So in addition to thanking Rob again for his  phenomenal 
accomplishments, I would like to thank all of you for setting  the standard in 
AM-DXing fun 
this past year, and for giving this hobby a huge  enthusiasm boost.  Our best 
days are yet to come, and 2009 looks like  an ultra-exciting year for our 
booming niche group.
     73 and Best Wishes,    Gary  DeBock    
 In a message dated 12/30/2008 11:34:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
At 18:24  12/30/2008, you wrote:

>Hi Guys:
>  After logging  # 602 I have found myself in another Drought...not
>hearing anything New  on ULRs for the last 2 Days!! Several people have
>asked the Million  Dollar Question....Is there a limit to how many
>stations can be logged  using ULR Radios??

a great write-up, Rob.  Your  basic  DXing technique is universally 
applicable (you don't hear 'em if the radio  isn't switched on; a couple of 
brand new stations in a single year  after many years of DXing attests to 
but your observations concerning  regional "spotlights" certainly bear 
repeating as well.  

Thanks,  and Happy New  Year.


Nick  Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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