On Sunday 22 February 2009 07:34, Robert S.Ross VA3SW wrote:
> Now here's the Scoop on this and how I arrived at WEEN.........
> Beam is to the South west from London, Ontario...which would be in
> Line with Nashville Tenn.
> There is only 2 Stations on 1460 using "Solid Gospel" Slogans...the
> other is in MARSHALL, NC...and the beam is nowhere near there.

Whoa!  Reality check time.  Your heading to WEEN would be about 211 
degrees, and to WHBK in Marshall, about 189 degrees.  How sharp a 
"beam" do you think you have?  A loop-type antenna has a very broad 
pattern, and you really can't use it to differentiate between 
stations only 22 degrees apart (unless you use the null of the 
antenna, and a carefully-calibrated setup, well away from any metal 
objects, etc.).  Since WHBK runs 5000 W versus WEEN's 860 W (assuming 
day power in both cases), I'd say it's more likely that you heard 


Barry McLarnon  VE3JF  Ottawa, ON
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