I finally got the wife an HDTV converter box, and it puts out a fair
amount of noise.  The noise seems to be both radiating from the box itself
and travelling up the power lines - yippee!  It's the "Insignia" house
brand from Best Buy.

Does anyone know if newer HDTV sets, which don't need the converter box,
also give off a lot of noise, via either direct radiation and/or up the
power lines?  To keep the peace here, I would forego my next DX purchase
(or two) and get a new HDTV if that would fix the problem.

I have no idea if the digital TV receivers cause any noise, BUT the converted box does, and big time.

If you want I have an idea you might try before you lay out some big bucks for a new TV.

I will write you off the list IF your interested in cheap and easy way to (perhaps) get rid of the noise.

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