If you're in the market, there are a couple used ones on eBay now, as well
as what look like a mis-labelled SRF-39, advertised as an M78.  Check out
item number 320361109157 - may go for cheap!  It certaily doesn't look
like an SRF-49, so it must be a 39.

Kevin S
Bainbridge Island, WA

> Hi Saul,
> Thanks for your comments about the SRF-59, and SRF-39FP.
> These two radios were enormously popular in the early days of the
> Ultralight boom, and still have a devoted, cult-like following-- mostly in
>  Canada,
> it seems. Rob Ross' amazing success with his SRF-59 (and various  samples
> exported by a fanatic American) may have had something to do with  this.
> Even today, there are many DXers around the world who prefer these  Sony
> analog ultralights to anything else, primarily because of the great
> challenge
> they offer. The SRF-39FP "prison radio" is far more ergonomically
> agreeable than the SRF-59, and it was fast becoming the analog ultralight
> of choice
> last year, until the Florida eBay seller finally exhausted  his stock. It
> is still available from the San Quentin (California) prison  system, with
> the
> ordering form link available upon request.
> 73, Gary
> In a message dated 4/22/2009 6:48:44 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> sau...@sympatico.ca writes:
> Well, whaddya expect for $30-some? (insert smiley here). So far  my two
> are
> working. But to be fair one of them (unmodified) is one I gave my
> girlfriend, and she hasn't used it much. I haven't used my modified one
> much,
> preferring the FP version because I find it easier to tune. I am finding,
> however, that my FP skips off frequency, by one or two whole channels, all
> on  its
> own, occasionally. Which is a pain in the %&* because it's a pain in  the
> %$* to figure out where on the dial you are in the first place. Not that
> it
> stops me...it's my radio of choice at certain times under certain
> conditions and circumstances. (I'm not reporting much lately, BTW, because
> cx  have
> been poor - the relatively and consistently low A-K numbers have not IMO
> translated into a superior DX season - and I generally don't keep track of
> relogs).
> Still, I find this whole exercise worthwhile, and am glad I  have the
> Sonys
> that I have. Some of you have purchased other ULR radios that  have turned
> out to be superior, both in terms of manufactured quality and ease  of
> DXing
> (some with digital readout, for example - I've seen Robert Ross'  Sangean
> in action and am impressed). On one hand, you do get what you paid  for.
> On
> the other, you can get amazing reception on cheap, puny li'l things --
> this
> whole effort has proven that, and it's been a great contribution to the
> hobby.
> So to folks like Gary, I simply say keep it up...
> Saul  Chernos / Toronto-Burnt River ON
> From: d1028g...@aol.com
>> Date:  Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:24:53 -0400
>> To: ultraligh...@yahoogroups.com;  irca@hard-core-dx.com; a...@nrcdxas.org
>> Subject: [IRCA] Long-term  Breakdown of the Sony SRF-59 Tuning Capacitor
>> Hello  All,
>> A problem that presented itself occasionally among  new SRF-59 units in
> late
>>  2007 has now, unfortunately, become  somewhat of an epidemic.
>> The "scratchy tuner" problem  was originally observed in about 10% of
>> new
>> SRF-59 units in  late 2007, which is caused by the breakdown of the
> dielectric
>>   material inside the tuning capacitor. The problem only was evident
>> when
>> the  SRF-59 was tuned on AM, especially when tuned quickly from  one
>> side
> of
>> the band  to the other.
>>  Evidence now strongly indicates that this SRF-59 issue is congenital,
> due
>> to a low quality tuning capacitor used by Sony to cut  manufacturing
> costs.
>> My  original three SRF-59 units from late  2007 were all free of this
> problem
>> when  purchased and aligned,  but all three have now developed the
> "scratchy
>> tuner." This  includes the unit which received JOAK-594, JOIB-747 and
>> HLCA-972  in  November of 2007, which motivated me to write the SRF-59
> review.
>> Apparently over  a period of several years, the SRF-59 tuner  component
>> inevitably breaks  down
>> The  Sony SRF-39FP and other Sony analog CXA1129N IC chip-based radios
>> apparently do not have this tuning capacitor issue, due to a higher
> quality
>> tuner component used in manufacturing. For those with  an SRF-59
>> enjoying
>  great
>> DX, you may wish to secure one of  these other Sony analog units for a
>> backup.
>> 73, Gary DeBock
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