Mine arrived today. Initial comments:
1. As others have noted, very good on FM.
2. I cannot get it to go in to LW mode despite following the instructions (turn off; depess MW/LW button until it says "LW YES"). Its default after that when I turn it on is the FM band; when I press MW/LW, the MW band always shows. 3. Sometimes while scooting up the AM band, it will jump by the hundreds rather than the 10s (900-1000-1100 etc.) 4. I just can't tell if what I'm getting matches Gary's observations. Comparisons (all on my desk inside the house):

1650 - mix of Kent and Vashon Island TIS stations
Eton E100 - loudest but hindered by high frequency cutoff caused by modification
DX398 - pretty good
PL300 - fair but no wiggle room
SRF59 - barely there; very tough to tune
M37V - barely there; vulnerable to KKMO overload

1130 - CKWX
Eton E100 - quite good
DX398 - good
SRF59 - not the strongest but better frequency response makes it more readable
PL300 - barely readable at max volume
M37V - useless due to KKOL overload

680-KBRD was good on all of them; KOAC not readable on any of them. They all pick up the KKOL/KKMO mixtures on 1240 and 1420.

I look forward to playing with it tonight. Off the top, though, it looks to me like you can't boost the audio up high enough to be able to read weak signals. We'll see.

Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 + Kiwa air core loop
ICF2010 + "     "    "      "
DX398; Palomar loop
SRF-59 & -M37V
Eton E100

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