At 12:03 PM 8/24/2009, you wrote:
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Hi Walt,
>Your DU morning enhancement certainly continues for a much longer duration  
>than the watered-down version here. It must be related to the salt water  
>environment of Victoria, compared to the solid rock of the hills around  
>Puyallup (including the southwest direction).
> This morning only 738-Tahiti made it to modest audio  (1255), although 
>612-4QR and 639-Fiji were pretty close to threshold level  at the same time. 
>The DU's followed their typical pattern here, going from weak  carriers at 
>1245 to moderate strength at 1255, only to fizzle out by 1305.  This strange, 
>ultra-short DU propagation has been observed during four  of the last seven 
>days here, so it must be the regular August situation in  this 
>hill-surrounded valley (when using some large passive loops).
>73, Gary

Hi, Gary.  Yes, the topography of our area is very different.  Much of Victoria 
is old seashore...and would be flooded if there was a tsunami.  My area is 
perhaps 30' ASL and consists of sandy soil down about 3' on a clay layer.  I'm 
about 520 meters from the ocean shore, although I'm just a few meters from a 
creek that runs into the ocean.  I have noticed a mild enhancement as I 
approach this creek too.  We also have salt water to the north, east, and 
south, and to the west a bit more distant.  There are hills in the Victoria 
area, but nothing too substantial, and the Olympic Mountains are about 46 km to 
the south, so not too much of an impact on the horizon (although beautiful to 
look at!).  The DUs are very consistent here with their appearance after the 
Asiatics and at or after local dawn, and on a good morning lasting for 30 
minutes.  The Asiatics, on the other hand, tend to last much longer, and appear 
much earlier before LSR.  On a good day, they'll stay around well p!
 ast dawn, and on exceptional days sometimes for an hour or more after 
LSR...very different than the DUs.  My observations, anyway.  Off to bed, so I 
can get up early tomorrow (unless another baby intervenes....a common occurence 
these days!). ...Walt

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