Lotsa "firsts" this morning, the most important being, this was the first AM where the majority of audio was ABOVE threshold level. It was really a better than average mid-Season AM here. Also like mid-season, the DX also hung around after dawn for at least 10 to 15 minutes... for the first time this season. I did have a few DUs: 585, 612, 675, 756 (also Asian), but mostly, it was East Asian, especially Korea.

The most interesting Korean was 603, doing very well (a solid 8). It is listed as the major KBS 2, HLSA in Seoul. 603 is my most open low band channel. I looked back over 5 years of daily charts and there were no mentions of Korean on this channel until the last year or two.... prior to that., I had the occasional CC or JJ there, but mostly open. Last year was usually open (not even a weak het), but once in a while, BOOM, there was HLSA at about an 8. This year, so far, 603 has been totally open, even the other two mornings when KKs were doing well. I can't believe that the number one KBS2 transmitter would only be used occasionally. I wonder if they are directional south (might make sense from Seoul) but have their directional feed fail from time to time the last year or so??? Or just the propagation goddess up to her usual tricks???

I did hear enough badly distorted audio on 738 to sort of parallel it with 1143. I'm pretty sure old Gary DeB is right on target... Taiwan Fisheries.

810 - I may have had AFN under KGO and the semi-local religious broadcaster, just briefly at dawn.

864: KBS1 was putting in a monster carrier, but was distinctly under modulated. I wonder if the economic downturn is affecting KBS maintenance? Very unusual for them to be anything but perfect.

1350: JOER Hiroshima was in at dawn for the first time this year. They are fairly rare here even at mid-Season and this is their first visit that I've heard this year.

1440: JOWF Sapporo, a more usual visitor, was wiping out the two Oregon stations for the last 10 minutes before LSR. Again, the first this season.

Overall, slightly fewer audios than yesterday, but well over half made it to listenable levels this AM. VERY NICE!!!

John Bryant
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Winradio G313e and various Ultralights
Wellbrook Phased Array + Superloops

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