KBS's QSL policy.

As a matter of policy, KBS QSL's only their foreign service programs. In most cases, a report for a domestic program gets trashed by the domestic service personnel, or sent to the Foreign section where they trash it. However, you might get lucky and your report ends up with someone who will take the time to answer your English language report. That said I have received a 100% response rate for Korean language reports, including both Seoul and regional stations.


John H. Bryant wrote:

Over recent years, I believe that KBS has instituted a policy of not QSLing their domestic broadcasts. They have answered me very promptly, tho', for the two KBS FS broadcasts (both to Japan) that I've reported to them. The 1170 QSL was from 2006. WOW, I've got a QSL that Patrick DOES NOT HAVE!!!! Man, that is a rare day and I'm honestly quite pleased! :>)

John B.

At 09:32 AM 9/8/2009 -0700, you wrote:

So far I have not tried a report to KBS' JJ Service. I will have to give
it a shot. VOA Poro QSL'd easily a couple years back.



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