Hi Guy,
Thanks very much for posting the photo of the Perseus' waterfall display of 
 the 738-Taiwan "ragged carrier."
For some reason, the 738-Taiwan audio (on your Perseus  SDR) in the MP3 
clip sounds much more normal than the typical  738-Taiwan audio received here 
on the C.Crane SWP ultralight. Maybe the Perseus  filtering removes some of 
the noisy components of the impaired signal. I posted  an MP3 of 738-Taiwan's 
signal here this morning (of the same approximate signal  strength as your 
MP3) in the Ultralightdx sound file  site, which includes a definite buzzing 
sound in the background of the  Chinese conversation. This buzzing sound 
doesn't show up on the other TP's,  except of course for the North Koreans.
73, Gary

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