Today's DX was more interesting than yesterday. I woke up at 1320 today and listened until just after 1400. Except for 594 and 693, the NHK powerhouses were very much subpar, but some of the commercial stations were better than average. The upper part of the band was interesting at about 1200, or at least that's what the SDR files revealed (I was asleep at the time). There seemed to be a narrow enhancement window around 1340-1350, in addition to the gradual drop in domestic splatter I noted yesterday.

Stuff I noted (there were probably others I didn't note):

594 Still there 1402 fair, fair-good other times
612 621 639 carriers 1403
693 loud w/EE lessons 1233
738 Asian talk, not sure if KK or CC 1355
747 774 JJ bits of audio in splatter 1350
819 KK talk 1340 good
936 945 954 963 bits of audio 1342
972 powerhouse 1344
1053 JJ YL mixing with SK jammer 1336
1062 talk poor in unid lang 1337
1134 JJ male in splat fair 1338
1278 and 1287 poor 1334
1377  CC talk fair 1348
1404 1413 carriers 1347
1422 JJ fair  1210 & 1348
1440 tone & JJ talk mixing w/domestics (KVON dominant) 1200
1458 audio briefly noted, erratic carrier 1203
1467 carrier 1213
1475 erratic carrier 1205
1503 JJ talk weak 1350, weak NHK pips 1400
1512 weak carrier 1400
1557 carrier 1401
1566 fair-good 1150 & 1333
1575 good 1150, fair 1333, possibly a second stn u/VOA 1353
1584 fair carrier, weak audio, pips not strong enuf to ID who it was 1200
1593 NHK & CNR pips mixing weakly 1200

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