Below is from this mornings Dxing from Grayland, WA. Conditions 
were great compared to my home location.  Main antenna a super
loop aimed somewhat SW work well with TA's and DU's.  Sometimes the
500' NW bog would work better on a few Asian stations.  Spent
a lot of time checking //'s and checking recent loggings of
TP's from the Northwest.  Might try a NW loop today.
Could not find a wi-fi connection a Grayland Motel & Cottages.
Having lunch at Local Bar & Grill using their wi-fi.
Planning on staying until Saturday morning.

153          RUSSIA, 1041 good with man in Russian.    Ended listening 1442.
180          RUSSIA, 1043 good with man in Russian.
189          RUSSIA, 1044 fair with man in Russian.
234          RUSSIA, 1045 fair with man in Russian and beacon interference.
279          RUSSIA, 1046 good with man in Russian.
530          TURKS & CAICOS? 0440 fair with music over Cuba?  0452-
             0455 "My Love".                               
558          JAPAN, JOCR 1059 fair with woman in Japanese and some splatter.
567          JAPAN, JOIK 1102 fair with man in Japanese.
594          JAPAN, JOAK 1105 good with Japanese.
603          REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA 1106 weak.
612          JAPAN, JOLK 1359-1400 3 pips 1 tone, good.
612          AUSTRALIA, 4QR Brisbane 1405 id 612 am Brisbane.  Couple 4QR ids 
heard too.
                Also caught on the eton e100 connected to the sw super loop.
639          CHINA, CRN1 1356 weak to fair with man talking along with music.  
// 1593.
648          RUSSIA, 1353 weak to fair in Korean?
657          DPR KOREA 1109 fair with man in Korean and //3320.  Good at 1353.
666          JAPAN JOBK 1352 fair over unknown Asian station.
675          VIETNAM, 1350 probably the station mixing China? Fair signal.
693          JAPAN, JOAB 1114 good with man in Japanese.
684          DPR KOREA 1149 one of the stations in mix with music //3250.
702          DPR KOREA 1120 fair at times, fades to weak.  // 657.
711          REPUBLIC OF KOREA HLKA ? assuming HLKA.  Nothing on //3930.
                Heavy KIRO splatter.
729             CHINA? Not Korea because it not match //. Fair signal over JOCK.
729          JAPAN, JOCK 1138 weak to fair, over/under Chinese? Station. // 594.
738             TAHITI 0510 woman talking to French.  Fair signal at times with 
              a lot of splatter.
738          TAIWAN 1145 believed to be the station in Chinese mixing with 
Tahiti. Fair   
             signal, //   empty.
747          JAPAN, JOIB 1037 good with man in Japanese.
756          CHINA CRN1 1340 man in Chinese // 1593.
765          UNKNOWN 1149 weak with woman in Asian language.
774          JAPAN, JOUB 1024 excellent signal with English conversation 
783          CHINA? 1149-1153 woman in Chinese, weak to fair.
792          UNKNOWN 1157 a couple of very weak stations mixing in Asian 
819          DPR KOREA, 1137 good signal with some splatter and // 2850.
828          CHINA, JOBB excellent signal at 1159.
837          JAPAN, JOAK 1200 pips followed by second station with different 
tone pips a few
850          ALASKA, Nome 0523 religious music with good signal.  3 minute area 
weather forecast
                        at 0528 then KICY 850 am ID at 0531.
864          JAPAN JO?? 1333 Japanese station and another station with piano 
873             JAPAN, JOGB 1215  fair and mixing with other Asian station.
891          AUSTRALIA  Adelaide 5AN 1412-1417 probably the station with DU 
talk. Heard no
                        mentions of ABC though.  Over Asian station.
936          CHINA, 1325 heard with “Diantai” in Chinese.  Over unknown station.
945          CHINA CRN1 1324 fair over unknown station.
963          CHINA CRI 1314 fair over another station with Russian.
972          REPUBLIC OF KOREA HLCA 1312 good signal and some splatter. 
Excellent 1436.
1008        JAPAN, JONR 1310 weak, seemed Japanese with a lot of splatter
1017        UNKNOWN 1304-1306 two stations, not Japan NHK2 and both signals did 
not match China
                // 1206.
1035        UNKNOWN 1254 very weak.  Checked 5020 for // but no signal.
1044        CHINA, CRI 1250 fair Japanese? Mixing with another station Korea?
1134            JAPAN, JOQR 1220 fair mixing with China with man in Japanese.
1134        CHINA, CRN1 1246 still mixing with JOQR, both fair signals.
1161        UNKNOWN 1427 fair stable signal, man is Asian language, not a CRN1 
1170        PHILIPINES? 1429-1431  woman in Chinese? Hoping for VOA ID at 1430 
but no luck.
                Another station underneath with music. 
1206        CHINA, 1301 assuming China with Korean broadcast.
1279        JAPAN, JOFR 1244 weak with man in Japanese.
1287        JAPAN, JOHR 1242 fair fast talking woman/man in Japanese.
1422        JAPAN, JORF 1238 weak.
1475            MAYLASA? 1234 weak slow talking woman in unknown language.
1503        JAPAN, JOUK NHK1 1230 weak // 594.
1566        REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1227 fair with low audio.
1575            THAILAND, VOA 1223 good signal with woman in Asian language.
1593        CHINA, CRN1 1226 good with man in Chinese and // 5030.

Grayland, WA
JRC 545 R8B  R-30cc
500' bog a little SW
500' bog NW
85' super loop

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