John H. Bryant wrote:

1458 Man the catch of the DXpedition (I think) was just sitting there as I tuned by. Wham, traditional Mongolian men's chorus doing very well. For several odd reasons, I've heard a bit of traditional Mongolian men's singing and it is unmistakable. It is related to Tuvan "throat singing" and similar to that type of singing from NE Siberia and the Arctic. It is hauntingly beautiful. After sitting there stunned for a minute (I NEVER hear anything on 1458) I hit the record button and dove into PAL. Sure enough, there is a 200kW station that I've tentatively heard a couple of times over the years in Hohhot, Nei Menggu (Inner Mongolia, China.) Just gotta be this baby! I recorded about 20 minutes worth. There were several solos by men and all of the music was "a cappella" without instrumental accompaniment. I think Walt may have heard this, too.

Good Catch John!!!!!!That's some pretty neat stuff!!! A while back I watched a complete TV Show on that Accapella Throat Singing you speak of in this message!! I think it was on National Geographic Channel??? That is really an amazing form of singing....and like you is very haunting!! There was a guy from North America......can't remember if he was American or Canadian...and he was Trained in this Throat Singing...and had spent years over there perfecting it...and the show centered on his exploits in that part of the country!!

I fear that I'll not get a QSL... the regional Chinese stations rarely answer English reports. I'm sure gonna try, tho'. Heard from 1304-1324

Hey John..........Send 'em a report in Mongolian!!!...or better yet call 'em up on the phone and Throat Sing your report to them!! HAHAHAHHA!!! God luck....I sure hope they answer the QSL Request...that will be a good one!


Mike's new lady at the front desk is "Leslie" a cute 40-50 year-old blond.

John Bryant

John.....I'll just pretend I didn't even read this line!!! AHHAHAHHA......Glad you had a good time!!


Robert S. Ross VA3SW
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