Hello All,
Although the DXing environment was far less desirable than Grayland, the  
Chinese were unusually strong here, also.
Again testing the new 9' box loop in the back yard, around 1358 there was  
pretty strong Chinese music and then Chinese speech on 1053 kHz, with only a 
 weak trace of a co-channel ((Korean or Japanese). China has never been 
heard  here on 1053, so I'd be interested in how the Grayland group (Bruce,  
Chuck and Nick) identifies this station, which was also mentioned by Bruce in  
his short report today.
Besides this, the perennial weak Chinese on 792 kHz showed up around 1405,  
in the typical male speech format-- but not strong enough for any ID  
clues. 756 also seemed to be Chinese, but too weak to make sure. In  general, 
conditions seemed a little down from yesterday, with stations  like 
675-Vietnam and 666-JOBK not as strong as usual. As typical, the morning  
enhancement fizzled out here around 1410 UTC, after about 20 minutes of  good 
conditions. It's always a scramble to choose the best  frequencies during this 
all-too-brief enhanced period, which seems far  shorter than the leisurely 
openings at Orcas, Victoria, and (of course)  Grayland.
73, Gary
Spotting receiver: Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main Receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP Slider (.7.5" loopstick +  CFJ455K5 
9' PVC frame tuned passive loop (in back yard)
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