Hello All,
Like everyone else has reported, the TP's certainly were fun to chase this  
morning-- and they seemed especially vibrant here.
Continuing to investigate the mid-band frequencies with the 9' box loop, I  
found the always-weak 1107-HLAV with Korean, at language recognition level  
around 1416-- quite a rare event. China-1125 was also there, but not at the 
 unusually strong level of yesterday. I decided to check 1134 kHz at 1420 
to see  which station would be dominant, and found the frequency booming-- 
CNR1 sounded  like a local, but KBS was right behind, and JOCR was there below 
them. A real TP  "graveyard" channel (or as John would say, a "United 
Nations"), from  which I was fortunate to get an MP3 (which I plan to upload to 
dxer.ca and  Ultralightdx).
Since I had never yet logged Asiatic TP's on 1017 kHz, I checked that  
frequency at 1424, and found both Korean talk and music from a presumed CNR  
Foreign Service, and also a strong co-channel which apparently was the NHK2  
Radio English Conversational lesson noted by Dennis (although I didn't check 
the  //, so all I have is the MP3 to review). Either or both would be new 
Ultralight  TP loggings here.
Finally, 1071 kHz had a weak male-voiced TP in the CFAX splatter (which was 
 un-nullable on the loop, because the bearings were too close). The  
program was some kind of news or talk, heard around 1431 right before the  band 
slowly started to fade here. I have no idea who it was, and I don't expect  
too much help from the Victoria DXers :-) Maybe it will be tomorrow's big  
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP (7.5" Slider loopstick + CFJ455K5  
9' PVC-frame tuned passive loop (in back yard)
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