Hello All,
This morning certainly wasn't one of the better ones for October, and after 
 3 days of lackluster conditions, it seems the TP's may be starting their  
November swoon a little early.
The high band carriers seemed weaker than normal, and only 972-HLCA  had 
much strength on the mid-band. The low band TP's like 594-JOAK,  603-HLSA, 
657-Pyongyang and 747-JOIK were of fairly average strength during the  
1410-1435 period I was listening, but the second-tier stations were generally  
down in strength.
The only exception to the pattern was 585-JOPG, which for some bizarre  
reason had its strongest signal all season around 1424--  even stronger than 
the // 594-JOAK. There was again a weak co-channel  under 585-JOPG playing 
some vocal music, but not Chinese opera this time. The  chances of IDing this 
weak station before the seasonal TP swoon do not seem  very promising. 
Because of the near freezing weather, the 9' box loop was again  resonant down 
585 kHz-- otherwise this enigmatic station probably would  have been lost in 
the noise.
That's about it, for a very forgettable morning.
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP (7.5" Slider loopstick + CFJ455K5  IF 
9' PVC-frame tuned passive loop (in the frozen back yard)
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