Hello All,
Nigel was hoping that the west coast DXers might hear some  DX this 
morning, but at least for this west coast DXer, his hopes were in  vain. It was 
probably the worst day for TP propagation this month, and I'm sure  that a lot 
of DXers were scrambling to check their receivers, and antenna  connections.
There was moderate audio from JOAK-594, HLSA-603, BEL2-738 and JOIB-747,  
but that was about it on the low band. JOAK-594 had no Korean competition 
this  morning (unlike the last 3 days), and HLSA had no Chinese competition 
(which is  rare this season). My original plan to check for weak co-channels on 
 the NHK frequencies this morning was ludicrous, with the NHK stations  
themselves pretty weak. Despite the warm (58 degree) rainy weather, the  band 
was in a deep freeze.
With John B. and Kevin S. at Grayland, it seems like a pretty scary  day 
for the propagation to tank. Sure hope they had better results than Nigel  and 
me, but I'm not too optimistic.
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP ultralight (7.5" Slider loopstick  + 
CFJ455K5 filter)
9' and 6' (side) PVC tuned passive loops (in the back yard)
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