Indians spices in the tea keep us awake long enough to log the India AIR 
sign-ons on multiple channels, 666 918 954 and at least one other I can't 
recall offhand (notes downstairs) at 0200 UTC, and 1116 very soon after 0300 
UTC. Look for 1 Khz tone, followed by musical IS of sorts, then programming, 
some of which is //. Some had some EE. Russians and other northerners very good 
even as the sun shone its last three or four hours - we started before 2 pm 
local. I don't know if the pickled beets sitting on the counter helped - we 
never ate them. Slovenia 549 //918 among closer-in catches that were new for me.


Either our south wire is seriously under-performing, or cx to Brazil and Africa 
are seriously seriously down. Had some of each. But we'd at least expect more 


Saul Chernos

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